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Discount programs are available to all CIGNA members through the Healthy Rewards Program.  Check out the programs by accessing those and all the other Healthy Rewards discounts on

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Live better and live longer!

  • 20 minutes after you quit, your blood pressure has already decreased, your pulse rate has dropped and the blood temperature of your hands and feet has increased.
  • 2 hours after quitting, you have significantly reduced the nicotine in your system.
  • 8 hours after quitting, the level of carbon monoxide in your blood drops as the oxygen increases to the normal level of a non-smoker. This is one of the best advantages of quitting smoking, as carbon monoxide robs your muscles, brain and tissues of oxygen.
  • At 24 hours, your chance of a heart attack has already decreased.
  • At 48 hours. These will make you smile… a couple of nice little health benefits of quitting smoking are that you will find your sense of smell improved, and as those sensitive nerve endings start regrowing, your taste buds will come alive again.
  • In 2 to 4 days, all nicotine by-products have gone from your body. That means there is no physical addictive substance left to niggle your brain.
  • Between 2 to 9 weeks, your circulation improves, walking and exercise will become easier and your lung function increases.

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